Welcome to StonerPlots’s documentation!


StonerPlots is a package to help make publication quality matplotlib figures more easily. In particular, it is indended to create plots that match the style of common Physics journals, but equally can help keep matplotlib figures consistent for writing reports and theses.

It originated as a fork of the scienceplots package by John D. Garrett



StonerPlots can be installed wither with pip or with conda:

pip install stonerplots

Conda packages are uploaded to the Anaconda channel phygbu:

conda install -c phygbu stonerplots

It is packaged for python >= 3.10 and you need to have matplotlib installed as well (obviously!). The example code also uses numpy.


The easiest way to get started is to use the SavedFigure context manager. This both applies the requested styles and also collects any new figures and saves them to disk.:

x = np.linspace(-np.pi,np.pi,181)
params = {"xlabel":r"Angle $^\circ$","ylabel":"Signal (V)"}

with SavedFigure(figures / "example-1.png"):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    for i in range(1,6):
                                marker="", label=f"{i=}")

In this example, the new figure will be saved as example-1.png (auto-detecting the png format) in the path figures. and the default “stoner” stylesheet will be applied.

Example figure formatted with the 'stoner' style sheet.


Indices and tables