
class stonerplots.SavedFigure(filename=None, style=None, autoclose=False, formats=None, extra=None, include_open=False)

Bases: TrackNewFiguresAndAxes, PreserveFigureMixin

A context manager for applying plotting styles and saving matplotlib figures.

This class simplifies the process of managing figure styling and saving multiple figures within a single context. It allows for automatic application of matplotlib stylesheets and handles the generation of unique filenames for figures, taking into account user-provided templates and output formats. SavedFigure can be reused across multiple with blocks, and its settings can dynamically be reconfigured by calling the instance with new parameters.

filename (str, Path, None):

The base filename or target directory for saving figures. - If filename is a directory, the figure’s label is used to generate the filename. - If filename includes placeholders (e.g., {label}, {number}), they will be replaced dynamically.

style (list[str], str, None):

One or more matplotlib stylesheets to apply. If a single string is provided, it is split by commas to form a list of styles. Defaults to [“stoner”].

autoclose (bool):

Determines whether figures should be closed automatically after being saved. Default is False.

formats (str, list[str], None):

The output file formats for saved figures (e.g., “png”, “pdf”). Can be a comma-separated string, a list of strings, or None (default: [“png”]).

extra (dictm None):

Specific rcParams to override within the style sheet context manager. Defaults to {}

include_open (bool):

If True, any figures opened before entering the context are included for saving. Default is False.

filename (Path):

A property representing the base filename or directory for saving figures.

formats (list[str]):

A list of file formats to save the figures (e.g., [“png”, “pdf”]).

style (list[str]):

A list of stylesheets to apply to the figures.

autoclose (bool):

Indicates whether figures are closed after being saved.

include_open (bool):

Determines whether figures already open before entering the context are saved.

  • SavedFigure can identify and save only the new figures created while inside its context, unless include_open is set to True.

  • filename and formats parameters support dynamic placeholders: - {number}: Figure number. - {label}: Figure label. - {alpha}, {Alpha}: Counter in lowercase or uppercase. - {roman}, {Roman}: Roman numeral (lowercase/uppercase).

  • Files are automatically numbered if placeholders are missing and multiple figures are created.


Saving two figures in the same context:

>>> cm = SavedFigure(filename="plots/figure_{label}.png", style="default", autoclose=True)
>>> with cm:
...     plt.figure("plot1")
...     plt.plot([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6])
...     plt.figure("plot2")
...     plt.plot([7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12])

After exiting the context, SavedFigure will save: - plots/figure_plot1.png - plots/figure_plot2.png

Dynamically updating SavedFigure settings during reuse:

>>> with cm(formats=["pdf", "png"]):
...     plt.figure("plot3")
...     plt.plot([3, 4, 5], [9, 8, 7])

This saves: - plots/figure_plot3.pdf - plots/figure_plot3.png